Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Teen Camp at Lynn Lake!

Held over September Long Weekend, we had a total of 16 teens join us for a retreat weekend at Burge Lake Bible Camp near Lynn Lake, Manitoba.

This weekend was only possible through the efforts of many people in the community of Lynn Lake, who supplied much of the food, boating the campers to and from the camp as well as opening and closing the camp.

New Missionary Pastor Couple in Lynn Lake!

On Wednesday, August 30, Travis and Susan Vallinga and 2 of their children, Steven and Bethany, moved to the community of Lynn Lake.

They have recently completed their studies at Briercrest Bible College at Caronport, Saskatchewan. They have moved here to become the missionary pastor couple of the Lynn Lake Gospel Chapel.

During their time at Briercrest, they spent time with former residents of Northern Manitoba, who invited them along to help with kids camp at Burge Lake Bible Camp. (Burge Lake Bible Camp is located about 5 miles north of Lynn Lake.)

After having helped at camp during a couple different summers, they felt that God was leading them to live full-time in the community.

Sunset at Midway Bible Camp

First month finished!

During this first month, I have had the privilege of learning some of behind-the-scenes work that our head office in Thompson takes care of.

Things like
- buying supplies
- making travel arrangements for the campers
- making many trips out to the camp to bring out the needed supplies

Welcome to Thompson!

Welcome to my place on the Internet!

My name is Paul. I work with an organization called Continental Mission Inc. which operates out of Thompson, Manitoba.

Here I am learning what it means to be the director of the Mission. So, I am regularly in the office learning the administrative side of the work. This includes connecting with a lot of different people such as the missionaries that work with Continental Mission, as well as people in the community of Thompson and outlying communities and reserves.